Monday, April 6, 2009

dirty gutters

i was born with a weak heart;

weak as:

it falls down dirty gutters.
north korea vomits rockets,
the petty billionaire stock
is free falling,
the citi wants planes,
but fact is,
american birds
aren't meant for
american towers
london birds
are meant for
london towers;

red, white, and blue
the pounds are coming !
pounds, pounds, pounds
of american lard
la lard, la lard

is that my american heart pounding?

la lard la lardlalardlalardlalard,

my beatboxing heart is without breath.
in news reels

helicooper, helicooper, helicooper
three hundred sixty degree turns
won't get me to the hospital!

give me drug, give me drink.
i will not Revere.
continue alone to,
new york, new york.

send my regards to the times
remember me

the midnight hour
will bring a ball bomb;
dropping glitter into dirty gutters
remember me

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